Thursday, April 2, 2009

"I could spend every night in a different parking lot"

Dear friends,

Happy "when I wake up tomorrow, I will be flying home in 2 weeks and 1 day" day! Actually, as the number of days keeps decreasing, I'm kinda getting angsty about leaving! I just think it'll be weird. Because then I will be graduating. And then living in my car.

Speaking of living in my car, I have spent the better part of today thinking about whether I could feasibly live in my car this summer. I have considered where I could shower, what I would eat if I didn't have a refrigerator or a stove, and where I would do my laundry. I have concluded that it would not be the best summer of my life, but that I could do it, and it would be very adventurous. Orange City would definitely be a safe town for such an adventure so I hopefully wouldn't die every night.

I also began thinking about how to incorporate my dream summer into my living in my car summer. You see, my dream summer would consist of travelling around America, visiting all the different churches and church events that I possibly could. "Wow, Sara. You are so spiritual. I wish I could be as godly as you." Error. I would not be doing this for spiritual purposes. I would be doing this for "observe the crazy evangelicals" purposes. As it happens, the thing I am perhaps most obsessed with in my life is Christian culture. Everything about it fascinates me. I love bad Christian literature, bad Christian music, bad Christian merchandise, Christian colleges, etc. One of my favorite activities in the world is typing 'rapture' into the search box on youtube. Or 'evangelical.' I spend hours doing these things. Hours. I highly recommend searching for 'the Lord's boot camp' or 'jesus camp' on youtube. I never tire of watching these things. I also once planned to send notes to hundreds of campus mailboxes that said "Ready or not, here I come! -Jesus."

"Wow," you say, "I wish I had those sick fascinations. That is awesome."

Anyway! My roommate pointed out to me that if I'm going to be living in my car, I may as well do it while I'm travelling around living my dream summer. I, however, had not been swift enough to figure that out. I had instead been thinking that my car would remain parked in Orange City, and I could try to do a mini-version of "scaling the area churches" right in the land of God that I know and love. Basically, I was trying to think of ways that I could get people to feed me, and I figured, "I should go to church!" I could join a local Bible study and say things like: "God has really been laying this thought on my heart lately." Or, "I've been praying about it and I think..." Then hopefully area families would scoop me into their homes for a game of hearts and a casserole. That would be AMAZING. So if I don't have jobs or a house, I will see if I can make this happen. Then maybe I can write a book about it and be cool.

In other news, I spent 35 minutes on skype earlier with a kind admissions lady from Duke. I had emailed to withdraw my decision to attend Duke, so she had emailed and wanted to talk to me about grants, stipends, and scholarships. She told me that I have been nominated for a scholarship (which I've known for about 5 months now), and the committee is meeting for the final time on April 13th. I've obviously fallen through the cracks the other time the scholarship committee has made decisions, but apparently there's still a chance for me. It was really nice to talk to a real person about the school, since I haven't talked to a real person at either Princeton or Duke. She obviously tried to sell the school to me. I said, "Really? Remember I told you I didn't have enough money to go to your school? Now you're trying to get me to buy the place?" Hahaha...I'm so clever. I mean, she tried to make the school really appealing to me, which kind of worked, so if I do happen to get a decent scholarship, I would be very conflicted about what to do. I might have to withdraw the official decision that I made to you all that I was going to Princeton. I just want to tell these schools to "[cue Nsync] quit playing games with my heart."

I've been really conflicted about the Princeton decision, though, just because everyone and their dog from Northwestern is going there.

And that is all I have to say about that.

Today, I tried to figure out the post office again. I was determined to figure out how to buy stamps. However, as it happened, I couldn't figure out how to do it. So, I left defeated. Someday I swear I'll learn how to use a post office. Maybe while I'm living in my car.

Well, this post could be longer. (It also could be shorter.) But time is short, and I must go to bed! Cheers!



  1. Sara, on a wise episode of Gilmore Girls, circa 2003(season 3, episode 16--A Tale of Poes and Fire), Lorelai tells Paris (and I'm paraphrasing here) that disqualifying a college because someone else attends it is just as bad as choosing to attend on the only basis that another person does. "Don't not go to Princeton... (INDEED, she was considering eliminating Princeton from her choices because her boyfriend attended there & she didn't want to seem like she was following him)...because you're afraid how it will seem. Go where you want to go."

    Spoiler alert, she ended up at Yale. So, for whatever that's worth. So, this comparison didn't really hold up fully. If I had a copy of that season, I would send it to you. Good stuff, that Gilmore Girls.

  2. I'm curious about your math. "Everyone from Northwestern" + "their dog" = [in reality] 2 (with a a decreasing possibility of a 3rd) besides yourself. . . Listen to the Gilmore girls, but listen quickly since they talk so fast. --mk

  3. Jennie, I'm curious, did you know the season, episode #, and title of the episode off the top of your head? Because that's amazing.

    Mitch, did you remember to count the dogs in your adding? Because that makes a huge difference.

    I should watch Gilmore Girls.

  4. Backstreet Boys. Not NSync. And yes, I'm sad that I know that.

  5. In West Wing, they talk much faster than Gilmore Girls.
    Just sayin.

  6. I am glad someone else has these sick fascinations. I was worried there for a while.

  7. You're right- nothing says Orange City like a game of hearts and a casserole. :)

  8. can I come on your Dream Across Evangelical America trip? I'll give you gas money.

    God bless the U.S.A.

  9. Everyone else commented on entirely inconsequential things, so I've picked one of my own: You mentioned enjoying the thought of living in Orange City because then you "hopefully wouldn't die every night". But, in fact, wouldn't you just die the one time and then leave Orange City (for the afterlife)?

    Check and mate.
