Friday, May 1, 2009

Imminent Death

Dear friends,

This will be my last post as I will soon be dying from the swine flu. I am really, really perturbed by this news. I am not ready to die. Apparently everyone that gets it dies. Immediately. Also, if one person gets it at Northwestern, the campus will be quarantined for 2 months and members of the campus ministries team will be placed strategically around campus to shoot anyone who tries to escape. With. A. Gun.

So, this is my lovely life after Oxford. Dodging bullets and death. Yes, please.

I feel as though everyone is curious as to how "transition" has been for me (well not everyone...that's really conceited). "Transition," I ask, "...did I just get back from Oxford? I forgot." Mostly people ask me, "So are you just hanging around on campus to laugh at everybody taking finals?" OR "So are you just bored all the time?" To these people I say, "Dude, I am not a freaking slacker." I have a job and in the last week, I have acquired 5 more. No for real, these are my summer jobs:
1. De Koffie Hoek & Bistro -- Barista
2. Nederlander's Grill -- Server
3. Quiznos -- Sandwich Artist
4-5. Cleaning houses -- HouseCleaner
6. Giving plasma -- PlasmaGiver

I am most excited about #6. My coffee colleagues and I are going to take a plasma shuttle over to Sioux City twice a week to make...(get excited) $65 a week! Except they're probably not going to want my plasma now that I have the swine flu. Dang. It.

Hmm...I need to say more about coming back from Oxford, I think. Here's what I think, I think I have put the experience behind me really too quickly. It's like when you go to church camp and love God, and then go home and don't love God anymore. I mean, God is not part of what I'm talking about. Maybe that was a bad example. What I mean is I have not particularly been dwelling on my Oxford experience. Before I left, I had a goal of not coming back a pretentious tool and part of avoiding that label involves not saying things like: "you guys suck at talking. When I was at Oxford...[insert pretentious statement about how everything is better in Oxford]." Of course, I still make some random comments, but I've switched over to, "In England." Better, I think.

In almost every way I'm glad to be back. In what way am I not glad to be back? You guessed it, swine flu. But everyone in the UK will die soon as well, so whatever. I guess being in America is better because I will be living in fear for a shorter time. Other things that aren't my favorite part about being in America: I seem to always be busy, and I am sleep deprived. What is the freaking deal? "When I was at Oxford, I got loads of sleep, and I was not busy at all (except for the whole constantly doing homework thing).

On the other hand, I am happy to be back because I get to work, see people, go to class, use my cell phone, and drive my car. And lots more things. It feels like I never left.

I could talk about more ways in which I feel like I grew over there, but I don't want to.

Another thing that has happened since I got back is people saying to me: "So I hear that you decided to go to Duke instead of Princeton." (Delayed response). "Okay" [said in a "I am purposely using this tone to belittle you" tone]. What the blank is that supposed to mean? Just because "Princeton" rings a prestigious bell for you more than "Duke" doesn't mean that you know anything about what it means to go to Princeton "seminary" or Duke "divinity school." So stop being a douchebag and implying that I made a dumb decision. I did a decent amount of research about this, and I know what I'm doing. Professor Vonder Bruegge informs me that whereas Princeton is perhaps stronger in terms of Old Testament, Duke is likely stronger right now in terms of New Testament, which is where my interests lie. So get off my back yo?

Graduation is soon. Very soon. But that's okay because I will not be a real person for YEARS. It is weird when your friends start being real persons and you do not. Whatev. Everyone and their dog is engaged by now, and that is okay because I am excited for my futureless life.

Something else to say: Since I got back, I have heard my blog described as PG-13 and inappropriate. "PG-13," I say incredulously, "that's not true, my grandmas were reading it!"
"Well, well, Sara Moser will be Sara Moser." It's nice, by the way, to come back and have an identity again. Also friends. I enjoy those too. I enjoy having friends and an identity and friends who know my identity. I am thankful that I have these and sad that when I go to Duke, I will never have friends again. Wah wah.

Also, I have an apartment now and am paying rent starting today. It costs $5 a day. BooFreakingYah. Also, I have 3 male roommates. BooFreakingYah. Also, I have no furniture. BooFreakingYah. Does anyone have a spare mattress? I am VERY excited; no, I really am.

Well, many of you have asked whether I am going to continue blogging. I make no promises for the summer (but perhaps), but I will likely try and get another blog going when I go to Duke. I have really enjoyed it and think it would be beneficial for the world if I kept putting my brilliant thoughts out there. In the meantime, please don't forget about me, or I will become an empty shell of a man.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Being a shell is f'd up. Trust me

  2. I expect to find a mesquite chicken (no onions) in my mailbox every Friday this summer; thanks, Quizno's Lady.

  3. Oh, you're going to Duke. I hope they threw some dollar signs at you because PTS = stacking more cheddar than Kraft.

  4. I've found that once you are old enough to make decisions for yourself, people will begin to judge every decision you make. If you had chosen Princeton, different people would have spoken up. Why can't people keep their friggen opinions to themselves?!

  5. hmmm...i'm will you become an empty shell of a MAN?

    welcome to the world of 'everyone else has a life...i have books and live life vicariously through your facebook.' :) we have camaraderie in the club though, so you'll be great AND can maintain your identity.

  6. You'd sleep more if you didn't have six hundred jobs.

    Also, the correct term is DONOR. Plasma DONOR. And I'm annoyed that you apparently make more than we do per week.

    Also, not all "real people" are engaged. Like me. I am destined to die alone. With cats. Lots of cats. Right now I only have one. But that is clearly not the point.

    Also also, if your blog is PG-13, then mine is like extreme R. Mostly for language. No nudity. Although that would perhaps drive traffic up...

    Anyway. I just wanted to say hi. And be a stalker. MULTI-TASKING!

  7. You need to keep doing a blog. It makes my life so much better.

  8. I like to start statements with "In Oxford", too, but I've never been there. However, no one ever doubts me because I throw in gibberish and polish the whole sentence off with some sort of English accent.

    Welcome back.
